CRadio for Android
Updated: Aug 11, 2023
Version: 4.5
Compatibility: Android 4.4 (API level 19) or later
Size: 7.5 MB
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Upgrade log :
4.5 (2023-08-11)
1. Fixed: Fix memory out of bounds.
2. Fixed: Pause when incoming call.
3. Fixed: Fix Zip Path Traversal vulnerability.
4. Improved:Migrating to Android 13.
5. Improved:Remove some unnecessary permissions.
4.1 (06/27/2021)
1. Improved:improve the player core.
2. Improved:Migrating to Android 11.
3.8 (07/09/2018)
1. Improved:Migrating to Android 8.
2. Improved:Add Play/Pause buttons etc in Notification area.
3. Fixed: Sometimes it can't really stop.
3.7 (07/09/2018)
1. Improved:Migrating to Android 8.0.
2. Improved:Add Play/Pause buttons etc in Notification area.
3. Fixed: Sometimes it can't really stop.
3.6 (05/06/2018)
1. Improved:improve the player core。
2. Improved:check if have WRITE permission。
3. Fixed: fixed some bugs.
3.3 (01/22/2018)
1. Fixed: fixed some bugs.
3.2 (9/6/2017)
1. Improved: Support more stations.
2. Fixed: App crash when playing some stations.
3. Fixed: Some categories are not accurate.
3.1 (4/9/2017)
1.Fixed: Some radio stations can only listen for a moment.
3.0 (09/02/2016)
1. Fixed: fixed some bugs.
2.9 (03/17/2016)
1. Fixed: fixed some bugs.
2.8 (07/20/2015)
1. Fixed: Unable to play on Android 5 or later.
2.7 (06/19/2015)
1. Fixed: fixed some bugs.
2.6 (06/13/2015)
1.Improved:Support more stations.
2.Improved:Optimized Interface,add large-screen icons。
2.5 (11/10/2014)
1.Improved: Support more stations.
2.4 (10/2/2014)
1.Improved: Adjusted data update function.
2.3 (7/17/2014)
1.Improved: Fixed some stations.
2.2 (7/14/2014)
1.Fixed: There are memory leaks when switching stations.
2.Improved: Show reconnection state.